Dead Rising Wiki

Problem Mission

cMissionDefinition yucatanbarricade-1


	Color = "16422912"

	DebugSpawnPoint = "Start"

	Duration = "43190"

	LevelToStartAtIfDebuggingMission = "YUCATAN_CASINO"

	MissionType = "8"

	ShowInDebugMenu = "true" 

	StartTime = "129600"

	cMissionObjective Yucatanbarricade-1-Objective


		cMissionObjectiveSurvivorLives luke_die


			KillSurvivor = "true"

			NPCName = "srv_luke"


		cMissionObjectiveSurvivorLives tir_employee_die


			KillSurvivor = "true"

			NPCName = "srv_tir_employee"


		cMissionObjectiveSurvivorLives jed_die


			KillSurvivor = "true"

			NPCName = "srv_jed"


		cMissionObjectiveEvent Yucatanbarricade-1notice


			EventString = "ChuckisClose"

			cMissionSetNPCScriptedAction lukeNotices5


				NPCName = "srv_luke"

				ReactionAnim = "18"


			cMissionSetNPCScriptedAction tir_employeenotices6


				NPCName = "srv_tir_employee"

				ReactionAnim = "18"


			cMissionSetNPCScriptedAction jedNotices5


				NPCName = "srv_jed"

				ReactionAnim = "18"


			cMissionTimer Yucatanbarricade-1-2


				DeltaTimeSecondsRealTime = "3"

				TriggerXTimes = "1"

				cMissionZombieRemoval Yucatanbarricade


					Location = "397.1,6.1,-287"

					Radius = "7"





	cMissionLevelReady Yucatanbarricade-1-1



		cMissionSpawnNPC lukeplace


			DefaultBehaviour = "Idle"

			NPCName = "srv_luke"

			Rotation = "-1.8"

			SpawnPoint = "397.1,6.1,-287.6"

			WithProp = "HandGun"


		cMissionSpawnNPC tir_employeeplace


			DefaultBehaviour = "Idle"

			NPCName = "srv_tir_employee"

			Rotation = "-0.7"

			SpawnPoint = "395.7,6.1,-292.5"

			WithProp = "MercAssaultRifle"


		cMissionSpawnNPC jedplace


			DefaultBehaviour = "Idle"

			NPCName = "srv_jed"

			Rotation = "-1.7"

			SpawnPoint = "393.1,6.1,-287.5"

			WithProp = "M16"


		cMissionSpawnItem Yucatanbarricade8-1-1


			ItemName = "Chair_3"

			Location = "389.7,6.1,-287.3"

			Rotation = "0,1,0,1"


		cMissionSpawnItem Yucatanbarricade8-1-2


			ItemName = "Chair_7"

			Location = "389,6.1,-289.5"

			Rotation = "0,1,0,0"


		cMissionSpawnItem Yucatanbarricade8-1-3


			ItemName = "Chair_4"

			Location = "388.2,6.1,-288.3"

			Rotation = "0,1,0,0"


		cMissionSpawnItem Yucatanbarricade8-1-4


			ItemName = "Bench"

			Location = "389.7,6.9,-287.3"

			Rotation = "0,1,0,0"


		cMissionSpawnItem Yucatanbarricade8-1-5


			ItemName = "Bench"

			Location = "389,6.9,-289.5"

			Rotation = "0,1,0,0"


		cMissionSpawnItem Yucatanbarricade8-1-6


			ItemName = "Chair_3"

			Location = "388.2,6.9,-288.3

			Rotation = "0,1,0,1"


		cMissionSpawnItem Yucatanbarricade8-1-7


			ItemName = "Chair_7"

			Location = "389.7,7.7,-287.3"

			Rotation = "0,1,0,0"


		cMissionSpawnItem Yucatanbarricade8-1-8


			ItemName = "Chair_4"

			Location = "389,7.7,-289.5"

			Rotation = "0,1,0,0"


		cMissionSpawnItem Yucatanbarricade8-1-9


			ItemName = "Bench"

			Location = "388.2,7.7,-288.3"

			Rotation = "0,1,0,0"


		cMissionSpawnItem Yucatanbarricade8-1-10


			ItemName = "Bench"

			Location = "389.7,8.5,-287.3"

			Rotation = "0,1,0,0"


		cMissionSpawnItem meat8-1-1


			ItemName = "EnergizerMeat"

			Location = "398.1,6.1,-287.6"


		cMissionSpawnItem meat8-1-2


			ItemName = "NectarMeat"

			Location = "399.1,6.1,-287.6"


		cMissionSpawnItem meat8-1-3


			ItemName = "QuickStepMeat"

			Location = "400.1,6.1,-287.6"


		cMissionSpawnItem meat8-1-4


			ItemName = "RandomizerMeat"

			Location = "397.1,6.1,-286.6"


		cMissionSpawnItem meat8-1-5


			ItemName = "SpitfireMeat" 

			Location = "397.1,6.1,-285.6"


		cMissionSpawnItem meat8-1-6


			ItemName = "UntouchableMeat"

			Location = "395.1,6.1,-287.6"


		cMissionSpawnItem meat8-1-1


			ItemName = "ZombaitMeat"

			Location = "393.1,6.1,-287.6"


		cMissionSpawnItem meat8-1-1


			ItemName = "PainKillerMeat"

			Location = "396.1,6.1,-284.6"


		cMissionOnTrigger Triggerattackyucatan


			InnerRadius = "3"

			Location = "397.1,6.1,-287.6"

			Radius = "6"

			ZombieRotation = "0,0,0,1"

			cMissionSendEvent Yucatanbarricade-1-3


					Value = "ChuckisClose"





method I am using only lets me spawn pharmacy

The method I am using only lets me spawn them in the pharmacy since that's where their boss file spawns them. I have not looked at the other spawning looters but will take a look when I got time. Make sure the time is over 10800 or 3 a.m. the first night since that's when zombies spawn at. Anything before will just give you a blank mission and a few minutes of confusion as to where your looters are at.

   cMissionDefinition Pharmacy_Looters_Work_In_Progress //Small mobs to gain cash (W.I.P)
       Color = "8694269"
       DebugSpawnPoint = "Start"
       Duration = "270000"
       LevelToStartAtIfDebuggingMission = "ROYAL_FLUSH"
       MissionType = "4"
       ShowInDebugMenu = "True"
       StartTime = "0"
       cMissionObjective Looters-Objective
           cMissionObjectiveKillBoss Looters
               BOSS_NAME = "Pharmacy"
       cMissionLevelReady RoyalFlush1
           LevelName = "LEVEL_ROYAL_FLUSH"
           cMissionSpawnZombie battle_looters_factory
               NumberOfZombies = "0"
               ZombieType = "looter"
           cMissionBossBattle Looters
               BattleFile = "data/datafile/battle_pharmacy.txt"
               BattleName = "Pharmacy"

To modify their starting location change LevelName = "LEVEL_ROYAL_FLUSH" to the level you want it spawned in and get the coordinates you want to place them in. You then go into battle_pharmacy.txt and change location of each

   cBossNode Enemy1
       Boss = "boss_thug"
       Location = "-106.634,-1.558,-96.779"
       Name = "Enemy1"
       Rotation = "0, 0.539, 0"
       Type = "5"
       SubID = "0"

You can add more mobs also by using one of the entries as a layout. (Enemy1 = Flashlight looter, Enemy2 = Crowbar looter, Enemy3 = Tomahawk looter)

You may have to modify the battleZone and start entries as well if you move them to another area though but shouldn't be too hard the file is pretty small compared to the psychopaths battle files.

Forgot to mention the mission above will keep spawning the looters in the same area until they are all killed. Once they are killed they will not re-spawn anymore so if you want them to keep spawning make sure to spawn one outside the map where he can't be killed.

images in each section


Leon,Kevin, Bill, Jeanna, Chad, Europa, Allen, Ray, Cameron, Matthew

|align=center|[[Leon]],[[Kevin]], [[Bill]], [[Jeanna]], [[Chad]], [[Europa]], [[Allen]], [[Ray]], [[Cameron]], [[Matthew]]

If you want:

Leon,Kevin, Bill, Jeanna, Chad, Europa, Allen, Ray, Cameron, Matthew
|align=center|[[[Leon]],[[Kevin]], [[Bill]], [[Jeanna]], [[Chad]], [[Europa]], [[Allen]], [[Ray]], [[Cameron]], [[Matthew]]

A 20:29, 22 July 2011 (UTC)
